by peacecandidates.com (Posted by Nadia) Page 1 of 1 page(s)
Antiwar America Unite!
impeach_pollIf 80% of America wants to End the War & Impeach Bush, why can't we accomplish our goals?
We have been unsuccessful thus far because we are not united. And why is that? Because many of the anti-war 'leaders' are actually government plants operating in the cointelpro tradition of infiltrate, disrupt and discredit.
Does that sound outlandish to you? Do you still think we're a free country and our government would never use fascist tactics like that? Well it's true.
* Police spies chosen to lead war protest
* Police Infiltrate Protest Groups, Incite Violence
* Pentagon spying on Peace Groups & Quakers
These are not isolated incidents, but a nationwide pattern.
In my little hometown, the anti-war leaders love to march on the beach, or stand in silence with their little signs, but if one suggests we take the truth to the local public radio station, ask for a community dialogue about the war and reasons for impeachment- they are 100% opposed to the idea. Not only were they against it, they did everything in their power to prevent a community discussion- just sign these petitions and go home.
It turns out many antiwar websites are also run by the same type of cointelpro goons. Their goal is not to end the war, but to distract and stall the antiwar movement. These 'fake antiwar' websites refuse to post articles with concrete actions citizens can take to reclaim the country, but they will post just about anything and everything else to keep you busy reading, because that's harmless.
This is why the war continues, because we are divided by cointelpro agents locally and cointelpro websites nationally.
To end the war, antiwar Americans need to wake up to these cointelpro tactics and UNITE. It's not about democrat vs republican- that is just more of the same divide and conquer strategy. Most of America wants the war to end, but do they realize that voting 20 more democrats into Congress this fall will accomplish nothing. Look at Pelosi and Reid- they are not alone as Bush enablers, they were voted to 'lead' by the majority of Dems, ie if we had real Dems in DC, they would have booted Pelosi and Reid a long time ago.
To get real change we need to flush the House, we need to get rid of all the career politicians and put fresh faces in DC. We need to organize true Peace Candidates in every state.
This is a real plan, something actionable that every American can participate in- the goal being to recruit and organize regular Americans to run for Congress.
Sure we can't beat the big money candidates one on one, but if we all unite under a common platform of End the War and Restore the Constitution- then yes we could win.
The goal is to End the War and Take Back America from the corporations- who is truly on our side?
ps- for all you Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich backers- consider this plan B. Recall 2004, the antiwar movement was behind Howard Dean, when he collapsed so did the movement. We need a people's movement that cannot be crushed by the failure of our candidate(s).
I found this at http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_peacecan_071231_antiwar_america_unit.htm