Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tea Party Rally Planned for Ron Paul

I got my information from

Saturday, December 15, 2007 -

Hundreds of Ron Paul supporters are expected to peacefully converge in downtown Boston on Sunday, December 16th at 1:00pm on the State House steps for what is anticipated to be the largest one day fundraiser for a presidential candidate – ever.

The event, dubbed The BostonTeaParty07, will coincide with the 234th anniversary of the famous Boston Tea Party of 1773 which is widely recognized as helping to spark the American Revolution.

The event in Boston on December 16th also corresponds to the second planned “Money Bomb” that Paul’s supporters have organized independent of his official campaign.

Supporters of the ten term congressman will begin the rally at 1:00pm on the State House steps and walk the Freedom Trail to Faneuil Hall where the doors will open at 2:30.

Inside Faneuil Hall banks of computers will be set up ready to securely process online donations made directly to Ron Paul’s official campaign site. Tea will be served while participants listen to lectures from prominent figures regarding the historical significance of the Boston Tea Party, the origins of The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as commentary on current events. Dr. Rand Paul, the candidate’s son, is also slated to speak.

Ron Paul stands apart from the other GOP presidential contenders by vigorously opposing the war in Iraq. Citing the Constitution as his guide, Paul opposes law enforcement or anti-terrorism measures that encroach on civil liberties. His views on small government extend to eliminating the IRS and The Federal Reserve. He favors limiting immigration and strengthening border security while promoting a foreign policy of “non-intervention”.

Ron Paul’s campaign made headlines on November 5th with its first “Money Bomb”, a one day fundraiser which netted over $4.3 million. The December 16th event seeks to surpass that number.


BostonTeaParty07 was planned by members of Boston Ron Paul MeetUp #68 and paid for by Liberty League PAC

The event is not authorized by the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign

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