Friday, December 28, 2007

Ron Paul surging in Iowa, brings in volunteer army

Hugo Mann
Published 12/26/2007 - 3:48 p.m. EST

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is surging in Iowa according to sources on the ground despite spending little time in the state until recently. Paul, now the top Republican fund raiser raising over 18.7 million from over 128,000 people this quarter, could disable Giuliani, McCain, and Thompson should he finish third.

Iowa is not supposed to be one of Paul’s stronger states. A strong finish in the state will indicate that his nationwide support is very broad. Paul doesn’t have the organization that Romney or Huckabee might have after spending so much time in the state but there are indications that people may be organizing on their own to support Paul’s ideals.

Paul is also bringing in a volunteer army to make a last minute push. Ron Paul will address more than 250 college students who have volunteered their Christmas vacations to the campaign.

Dr. Paul will speak at 8:00 pm on Thursday December 27 at the Des Moines Marriott in the Des Moines Room. He will be available to the press directly afterward in the Waterloo Room.

The students have come from 39 states and four countries to spend their time off phoning Iowa voters, canvassing and distributing literature as part of “Ron Paul’s Christmas Vacation.”

An indirect indication of Ron Paul’s increase in support nationwide has been the recent orchestration of a massive smear campaign by some corporate media outlets and their highly paid pundits. Apparently they don’t believe their own polls and perceive Paul as a threat.

Although Paul has ruled out a third party run saying that he is 99.9 percent sure he wouldn’t run as a third party candidate some media outlets are saying that he’s left the door open for an independent run. This may also be an indication of Paul’s surge nationwide. Media talk of a third party run seems designed to create the illusion that Paul can’t win the GOP nomination.

Also, a third party run would allow media conglomerates to censor Paul like they did Buchanan in 2000. If Paul starts winning Republican primaries corporate controlled media outlets will only be able to attack him they will not be able to censor him like they could if he ran as an independent.

Paul’s message of protecting civil liberties, ending the Iraq war, eliminating federal income taxes, border security, and reforming the monetary system seems to be attracting broad support

I found this at

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