Saturday, December 15, 2007

Paul would remove America from War

Many years ago President Ronald Reagan said Ron Paul was one of the outstanding leaders of our country, fighting for a stronger national defense.

As a former Air Force officer, he knew well the needs of our armed forces, and he had always put them first. Today, as Paul serves his 10th term in the U.S. House, his feelings have not changed one bit. However, he is totally against our involvement in Iraq because it is a no-win situation costing us thousands of lives for a war that is basically unconstitutional, because it is being fought without a declaration of war voted upon by the Congress.

Currently, as a Republican candidate running for president of the United States, Paul acknowledges the American people have spoken against the war as well. When asked how we end it, Paul says, "Why not exactly the way we began it? We just marched in, and now we can just march out."
Republican candidate for president, Paul, always has believed our founding fathers had it right when they argued for peace and commerce between nations and against entangling political and military alliances. Log on to and discover how Paul is our only hope for America in the 2008 presidential election. Discover his consistent voting record, his ideas on limiting governmental interference in private lives, his belief decisions with regard to our nation should be based on the U.S. Constitution, and why he was voted the taxpayers' best friend.

These and many other issues pertinent to the future of our country are on line for you to view and perhaps be a part of Paul's Hope for America Campaign.

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