Saturday, December 29, 2007

British Newspaper Group Supports Ron Paul's Financial Policy -- Dollar Could Drop Further 50 Percent in Value

The Dollar could fall to half or one-third of its existing value -- British Newspaper and Media Group announces 100 percent support for Ron Paul on Republic Radio. Ron Paul's Ideas are heralded on air as the catalyst for the end of communism in China. International support for Ron Paul's message exceeds all expectation.
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At the last US election the people did not have universal access to Google and YouTube. Today they do and truth is speeding its way across this world at rate that even those who own the mainstream media have not yet fully woken up to.

(PRWEB) December 29, 2007 -- With his song and video for Ron Paul climbing up the international YouTube charts, John Mappin was invited onto Republic Radio by Fred Smart in the US Midwest where he was interviewed from Camelot Castle, England. (The Mythological Birthplace of King Arthur)

You can hear the whole interview here:

Speaking later along the same lines to his Media Finance Group, Mappin spoke of the unprecedented international support for Ron Paul's ideas.

"If the the financial management of the US over the last few years had been perpetrated by a foreign power other than the US government, it could be considered an act of war.

"Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate whose policies could prevent a dramatic devaluation of the dollar."

"In the absence of a Paul presidency it is not impossible that the dollar could fall in value against other currencies by as much as half or even two-thirds."

"The US is essentially bankrupt with approximately $156,000 of government debt for every man woman and child in the US on its balance sheet. On top of that individuals have been oversold personal debt and credit. And the biggest US corporations, in debt and over leveraged, are themselves heavily dependent on the international bankers willingness to lend."

"Chinese money is currently supporting the US credit system and effectively funding the war."

Mappin, who had been invited to speak on Republic Radio in the US Midwest, was clear in his support for Ron Paul and pointed out that Paul's ideas and his "Freedom Message" may well also catalyse the end of Communism in China as we know it.

"Just wait till the youth in China really gets the Ron Paul message and the Freedom purpose. You think 1989 Tiananmen Square shook the world. Think again! Just watch what happens when the youth and middle class in China and India get it."

Mappin's interview on Republic Radio also illuminated that there are many journalists that work in mainstream media that agree completely with Ron Paul and his policy. He highlighted the simplicity that those mainstream media owners that attempt to block the truth from being communicated on media lines will ultimately lose their franchises, compromise their position in the free marketplace and lose the trust of the public.

"At the last US election the people did not have universal access to Google and YouTube. Today they do and truth is speeding its way across this world at rate that even those who own the mainstream media have not yet fully woken up to."

John Mappin's Song for Ron Paul was aired on Republic Radio. You can hear the whole song here:

John Mappin also appeared in support of Ron Paul on Iranian TV in the UK last week:

This show can also be viewed in its entirety at Press TV's web site:

Click this link below and then click the video link titled "Can Hillary Win."

Many Ron Paul supporters have emailed the show and the Press TV network in support and there is now talk of further coverage of the Ron Paul campaign by Press TV. Yvonne Ridley, who hosts AGENDA and is one of Britain's most respected journalists, is interested in interviewing Ron Paul when she visits the US next month.

Please contact Press TV at and let them know your views.

Or Fred Smart at Republic Radio at

I looked this up at

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